Sunday, September 02, 2007

Humbling Beauty

I went to Mount St Helens for the Labor Day Weekend. I've been here two years and haven't been yet!! What a humbling experience. To understand the force and power of the eruption made you feel very small and powerless. The power that ripped the trees from the ground and then the devastation from the mudslides. The last eruption occurred on May 18, 1980 yet you can still see much of the damage. It is still rumbling but nobody knows for sure when it will blow again. Mount Rainier is also a major concern out here. I'm safe for the most part. The most I would probably see is lots of ash but no lava or mudflows. :)

Rafting in Leavenworth

In July, I went rafting with my friend Emory in Leavenworth. (Emory is the one rock climbing. I haven't gotten the courage to do this yet but getting there.) Leavenworth is a quaint little German town in the mountains. The rafting trip was on the Wenatchee River. It was a blast. A bit scary at times when we lost half the people out of our raft but still a lot of fun.

Cruisin' on the Lake

I've been lucky to find a lot of Michigan Alumni out here. There is actually a bar in West Seattle called Rocksports that plays every Michigan Football game! And then every year the Alumni from the Stephen M Ross School of Business (aka Michigan Business School) sponsor a cruise on Lake Washington. I dragged Steve (one of my best friends out here) with me. It was a great way to end a week. I love it out here!!!